Message from the SAMEA Deputy Chair, Mutsa Chinyamakobvu

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Message from the SAMEA Deputy Chair, Mutsa Chinyamakobvu

Dear SAMEA Community,

Conference year is upon us and it looks like we are going to have one for the books! Have you blocked off the 7th-11th of October yet? Save our date!

This year’s conference theme is VUCA-VUKA! Catalysing change through monitoring and evaluation. We dare to respond to this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous nature of the current times by rising up (siyavuka) and taking collective action towards sustainable and equitable development and transformation in South Africa. Our values of sharing knowledge, innovating, adapting strategically, collaborating and empowering – have never been more pertinent.

To celebrate the richness of African culture while promoting academic excellence and collaboration, the conference will embrace storytelling and prioritise principles of co-creation, inclusivity, and mutual respect, to pave the way for a more vibrant and impactful monitoring and evaluation community. We want to hear your stories and learnings on the opportunities and challenges of working in a VUCA world. We hope you can carve out the time to step back, reflect, reconnect, and revive your practice and passion for the important work we do.

You can learn more about the conference themes and submit an abstract here: If any of the planned themes resonate with you or your organisation and you’d like to support, reach out to [email protected] to hear how you can get involved, and don’t forget to share our conference posts widely.

Over the past month, in addition to conference planning, the SAMEA board and secretariat have been hard at work updating the strategic priority areas, building partnerships, kicking off Communities of Practice, revamping the SAMEA website, onboarding new Young Emerging Evaluators, as well as hiring a new Knowledge and Communications Manager!

If you’d like to get more involved with different learning communities, visit our website to learn more about the Communities of Practice (CoP) and Topical Interest Groups (TIG). You’ll find the relevant contacts who can provide more information. We invite you to get plugged in, network and build together!

I would be amiss not to mention that this association would not be what it is without the numerous volunteers who dedicate time and expertise to growing this community. Thank you to all the CoP and TIG leads and members, the capacity builders, and the board members, for your continued support. I am also reaching out to extend an invitation to members of the community with a paid subscription to participate in our upcoming board elections for 4 open seats. The board elections present an opportunity for you to contribute to the strategic decision-making process, advocate for important issues, and collaborate with fellow board members to drive positive change within our organisation and community. More details can be found in the following pages.

Last and by no means least, a hearty congratulations to our partners at the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) on reaching their second year anniversary! Your embracing collaboration and diversity is setting the tone for other communities of practitioners, and we look forward to more collective endeavours!

In service,

Mutsa Chinyamakobvu

Deputy Chair | SAMEA

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